iCloud in a different path

Using symbolic link

Cory Chu


The default path of iCloud storage in your Mac is in
~/Library/Mobile Documents
, which is not only hard to remember but also a little bit messy. If you look into that directory by ls ~/Library/Mobile Documents, you will find a bunch of folders. All the apps that use iCloud have their own folder in it. The documents you added into iCloud Drive manually will exist in
~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
You can make it works more memorizable by creating a symbolic link somewhere else. For example, if you want to put it in ~/icloud, you may execute the following command in your Terminal:

$ ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs ~/icloud

It makes a symbolic link ~/icloud pointing to the ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs so that you can access your files in iCloud Drive in ~/icloud/ , which is a much cleaner path =]
BTW, the same trick works for Dropbox, Google Drive … also.



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